#05 Genesis Flood Part 2 Geology

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The Evolution worldview requires long ages for all the physical processes and structures to form around the earth such as large canyons, sedimentation and mountains. But do all these really require long ages? In this talk we will examine geologic evidences that demonstrate long ages are not necessary for what we observe today. Some of these evidences include: The Grand Canyon, Mount Saint Helens, fossil fuels such as oil and coal, and polystrate fossils.

The Evolution worldview requires long ages for all the physical processes and structures to form around the earth such as large canyons, sedimentation and mountains. But do all these really require long ages? In this talk we will examine geologic evidences that demonstrate long ages are not necessary for what we observe today. Some of …

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The post #05 Genesis Flood Part 2 Geology appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
#05 Genesis Flood Part 2 Geology
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