All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 in total
How can we avoid the default – eternity in hell?
John 3:17 states: For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved The question is: Saved from what –...

How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible?
A common challenge is how do dinosaurs fit into the Bible. The best evidence is the Bible. God created man and land animals (which included dinosaurs) on day 6 of His...

Should we really care if the earth is young or old?
Should Christians really care if the earth is young or old (billions of years)? A common claim by some church leaders is that the age of the earth does not matter. ...

How well trained are your Sunday school teachers?
The number one issue effecting Sunday school is a lack of training for teachers. Ken Brady (Manager of Lifeway’s adult Bible study curriculum for trainers) “If you ...

How should we interpret Genesis 1?
How should we interpret Genesis 1? In Genesis one 1. God explicitly chose the word day for time 2. In Genesis 1:5 God defined the length of the day as a light and ...

Do we need another Jeremiah?
Do we need another Jeremiah to warn America of impending judgement and to turn back to God’s Word? No, we don’t need another Jeremiah. God already gave us Isaiah, E...

2022 Creation Apologetics Training College
Become an apologetics leader in your church and community this Aug 1-6, 2022 near Asheville, NC. This 5-day course is intense, filled with valuable information, and ...

Equipping Parents to Teach Apologetics
Training courses to equip parents to teach biblical creation and apologetics to their children.

Who Did Cain Marry?
Nonbelievers often use the challenge, “Who did Cain marry?” to challenge the credibility of the Bible. However, this challenge is generally made without knowledge of ...

Should we use science to interpret the Bible?
Should Christians use science to interpret Scripture when it appears the Bible does not agree with the scientific evidence?

Is There Evidence for the Existence of God?
Using the Bible, this video gives power evidence for the existence of God that unbelievers cannot disprove. Christians might ask the question in this way: “what is ou...

How Old Is God?
Does the bible tell us how old God is?

When Did Dinosaurs Live?
Did you know the Bible and the scientific evidence support dinosaurs lived at the same time as man?

Who is Jesus?
Why Jesus is someone you need to know. -He is God the Son -He is the Creator of all things -His is the one and only Savior -He is the KING of kings and LORD of lo...

Lesson 5: How did Adam name all the animals & the Genesis 2:4 debate
Responding to Biblical Arguments Used to Support Millions of Years In this video Mike answers two biblical challenges 1. Does Genesis 2:4 teach the days of creation we...

Lesson 4: What is the Framework Hypothesis
Lesson 4: Responding to Biblical Arguments Used to Support Millions of Years A great video that exposes the Framework Hypothesis as a false teaching. In this video Mik...

Lesson 3: Understanding the Gap Theory
Lesson 3: Responding to Biblical Arguments Used to Support Millions of Years A biblical approach to understanding the gap theory. In this video Mike uses the Berean+ t...

Lesson 2: Does the Bible Support Millions of Years?
Lesson 2 -Creation is a secondary doctrine -How could the first three days be literal days if the sun was not created until day 4? -The problem of using modern scien...

Lesson 1: Does the Bible Support Millions of Years?
Lesson 1 of 5 -Warnings from God -2 Peter 3:8 -The word “day” does not always mean a literal day -God could have used evolution Your financial support is an inve...

Lesson 3: The Days of Creation
Lesson 3 Five more biblical evidences confirming the days of creation were literal days. Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce t...

Lesson 2: The Days of Creation
Six biblical evidences that confirm the days of creation were literal days. Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce training that...

Lesson 1: The Days of Creation
Lesson 1 Basic hermeneutics: Learn tools that will help you with your study of God’s Word. Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produ...

How could Noah fit all the animals on the Ark?
Many people have a misunderstanding about what the Bible really states about the Flood and Noah’s Ark. In this video Mike solves this challenge by answering three que...

Did God Use Evolution?
Why is the statement, “God could have used evolution” an incorrect and unbiblical statement for any Bible believing Christian to make?

Is the Bible Outdated?
Can we still trust a book that is over 2,000 years old called the Bible? Some say it is outdated. In the answer to this challenge, Mike offers some great information ...

One Day is Like a Thousand Years?
Can 2 Peter 3:8 be used to support the days of creation were long ages? In this short video Mike answers the 2 Peter 3:8 challenge.

The Sun and the Days of Creation
Mike answers the challenge: “How could the first three days of creation be literal days if the sun was not created until day four?”

Observable science refutes evolution
In this video section (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution. * The complexity...

Amazing creatures that testify to a Creator
Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology, discusses how he became a creationist. He also presents some amazing creatures that testify to a Creator. * Lampsilis C...

The Second Upper Room
A powerful biblical-based presentation by Mike Riddle that exposes the march of secular humanism through the public education system, many churches, and Christian sem...