#08 The Big Bang

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Is the Big Bang compatible with the Bible? Many Christians hold to a belief that God used the Big Bang as part of His creation process. But is the Big Bang really compatible with God’s Word? In this session Mike examines the Big Bang and compares it to the teachings of the Bible. In addition, Mike demonstrates through many examples that the Big Bang does not line up with what we observe in the universe.

Is the Big Bang compatible with the Bible? Many Christians hold to a belief that God used the Big Bang as part of His creation process. But is the Big Bang really compatible with God’s Word? In this session Mike examines the Big Bang and compares it to the teachings of the Bible. In addition, …

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The post #08 The Big Bang appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
#08 The Big Bang
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