Carl Kerby with Mike Riddle

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In this session Mike interviews popular creation speaker Carl Kerby. Carl is the founder and president of Reasons for Hope ( Carl speaks about the next generation and that most parents are not equipped to train their children to be able to defend their faith. Carl also talks about television shows and that even the so-called good ones promote evolution. As parents we need to stop running and hiding and be obedient to God’s Word and equip ourselves.

In this session Mike interviews popular creation speaker Carl Kerby. Carl is the founder and president of Reasons for Hope ( Carl speaks about the next generation and that most parents are not equipped to train their children to be able to defend their faith. Carl also talks about television shows and that even the …

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Carl Kerby with Mike Riddle
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