Dinosaur to Bird Evolution

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Did dinosaurs really evolve into birds as many evolutionists claim? In this session Mike examines the real evidence and clearly shows that that: 1. There is no observational evidence to support the claim dinosaurs evolved into birds. 2. Evolutionists commonly resort to artistic drawings in textbooks rather than real evidence. 3. Evolutionists have produced a history of false claims. 4. The scientific evidence supports dinosaurs and birds lived at the same time just as the Bible teaches.

Did dinosaurs really evolve into birds as many evolutionists claim? In this session Mike examines the real evidence and clearly shows that that: 1. There is no observational evidence to support the claim dinosaurs evolved into birds. 2. Evolutionists commonly resort to artistic drawings in textbooks rather than real evidence. 3. Evolutionists have produced a …

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The post Dinosaur to Bird Evolution appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Dinosaur to Bird Evolution
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