Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance

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In this first of a two part series titled, “Evolution Not a Chance” Dr. David Menton talks about the mechanisms for evolution, mutations and natural selection. According to evolutionists these two mechanisms, using nothing but blind chance, are supposed to allow for evolution to occur. Evolutionists claim that mutations are the source of new information; however, Dr Menton demonstrates that mutations do not add new information. Mutations are well-known to impair existing systems. Dr. Menton finishes this session with some examples demonstrating the impossibility of evolution based on blind chance.

In this first of a two part series titled, “Evolution Not a Chance” Dr. David Menton talks about the mechanisms for evolution, mutations and natural selection. According to evolutionists these two mechanisms, using nothing but blind chance, are supposed to allow for evolution to occur. Evolutionists claim that mutations are the source of new information; …

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The post Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance
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