Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance Pt2

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In part two of Dr. Menton’s talk on “Is Evolution Possible”, he gives compelling evidence against evolution. In his first example he talks about the eye and that it is too complex to have formed by chance. Not only is the eye complex, but it requires specified complexity and integrated complexity. He then defines the difference between chance and design and uses the example of DNA. Dr. Menton makes some challenging statements about evolution. • “No wonder evolutionists don’t like the word design.” • “Evolution is utterly useless in the real world of applied science.”

In part two of Dr. Menton’s talk on “Is Evolution Possible”, he gives compelling evidence against evolution. In his first example he talks about the eye and that it is too complex to have formed by chance. Not only is the eye complex, but it requires specified complexity and integrated complexity. He then defines the …

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Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance Pt2
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