Genesis and End Times -Part 1

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In this first of two sessions on Genesis and End Times, Mike goes through the first two parts: Session 1 1. The Book of Revelation in 5 minutes 2. Tools for understanding numbers in the Bible Session 2 3. Tools for understanding language in the Bible 4. An incredible beginning 5. An incredible ending Mike gives clear evidence that when numbers are used in the Bible they are meant to be taken literally unless there is something in the language that indicates otherwise. Mike uses examples from both the books of Genesis and Revelation, as well as other books, to demonstrate the literal meaning of numbers.

In this first of two sessions on Genesis and End Times, Mike goes through the first two parts: Session 1 1. The Book of Revelation in 5 minutes 2. Tools for understanding numbers in the Bible Session 2 3. Tools for understanding language in the Bible 4. An incredible beginning 5. An incredible ending Mike …

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The post Genesis and End Times -Part 1 appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Genesis and End Times -Part 1
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