Genetics and Evolution

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Are Apes and Humans Cousins Did Humans evolve from ape-like creatures? Mike uses understandable language to examine three of the main genetic arguments evolutionists use to support their claim. * Human and chimp DNA is only 3% different. * Junk DNA: 97% of human DNA is junk. * Fusion of chromosome 2 is prove of evolution.

Are Apes and Humans Cousins Did Humans evolve from ape-like creatures? Mike uses understandable language to examine three of the main genetic arguments evolutionists use to support their claim. Human and chimp DNA is only 3% different. Junk DNA: 97% of human DNA is junk. Fusion of chromosome 2 is prove of evolution.

The post Genetics and Evolution appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Genetics and Evolution
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