Lesson 1: Does the Bible Support Millions of Years?

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Lesson 1 of 5 -Warnings from God -2 Peter 3:8 -The word “day” does not always mean a literal day -God could have used evolution Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce training that equips people to stand firm on God’s Word.  

Lesson 1 of 5 -Warnings from God -2 Peter 3:8 -The word “day” does not always mean a literal day -God could have used evolution Your financial support is an investment that will enable CTI to produce training that equips people to stand firm on God’s Word.  

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Lesson 1: Does the Bible Support Millions of Years?
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