Mike interviews Dr. Anthony Silvestro (evangelist)

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Many have heard of the book by Charles Darwin titled: “The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” But now the alternative book is out by Dr. Anthony Silvestro titled: “The Origin of Kinds by Means of Creator God and the Preservation of Souls in the Struggle for Eternity” In this video Dr. Silvestro talks about his new book and why Christians need to read it.

Many have heard of the book by Charles Darwin titled: “The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” But now the alternative book is out by Dr. Anthony Silvestro titled: “The Origin of Kinds by Means of Creator God and the Preservation of …

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Mike interviews Dr. Anthony Silvestro (evangelist)
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