Mike Interviews Roger Patterson, AIG

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  In this session, Mike interviews a former high school biology and chemistry teacher (Roger Patterson). Roger describes how he taught evolution to students in public high school for eight years and then found out the truth. By doing his own research he discovered that evolution was not supported by true science, but was just a worldview (belief). Roger describes how he was taught evolution in the university and that students were told not to challenge what was taught. Roger now works full time for Answers in Genesis as a curriculum developer and online education assistant. He has written two books (Evolution Exposed: Biology and Evolution Exposed: Earth Science) which can be purchased from AiGs web site (www.answersingenesis.org).

  In this session, Mike interviews a former high school biology and chemistry teacher (Roger Patterson). Roger describes how he taught evolution to students in public high school for eight years and then found out the truth. By doing his own research he discovered that evolution was not supported by true science, but was just …

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Mike Interviews Roger Patterson, AIG
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