Observable science refutes evolution

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In this video section (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution. * The complexity of a biological protein refutes evolution. * The amount of formation in DNA and its complexity refutes evolution. * The complexity of a cell refutes evolution. Another great video with Thomas Kindell,  Amazing creatures that testify to a Creator Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology Reasons for Faith kindell.nwcreation.net  

In this video section (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution. The complexity of a biological protein refutes evolution. The amount of formation in DNA and its complexity refutes evolution. The complexity of a cell refutes evolution. Another great video with Thomas Kindell,  Amazing creatures that testify …

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
Observable science refutes evolution
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