The Sanctity of Human Life

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In this powerful PRO-LIFE video Mike presents the biblical and scientific evidence for life beginning at conception. He also answers two very important questions: * When do we become a person? * When does human life begin? Mike presents statistics that show over 80% of abortions are not a true choice but rather made for convenience or from pressure (an act of despair). The presentation finishes with Mike answering eight common challenges from the anti-life (“choice”) movement. Mike uses quotes from leading abortionists, medical doctors, leading textbooks on human development, scientists and the Bible.

In this powerful PRO-LIFE video Mike presents the biblical and scientific evidence for life beginning at conception. He also answers two very important questions: When do we become a person? When does human life begin? Mike presents statistics that show over 80% of abortions are not a true choice but rather made for convenience or …

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The post The Sanctity of Human Life appeared first on Creation Training Initiative with Mike Riddle.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Riddle
Mike Riddle
International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.
The Sanctity of Human Life
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