Mike Riddle

Mike Riddle

International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.

Appears in 155 Episodes

Danny Faulkner on Astronomy and the Big Bang

Astronomy and the Big Bang In this session Mike interviews Dr. Danny Faulkner (Ph.D. Astronomy) from Answers in Genesis. Dr. Faulkner answers many questions that Chri...

#4 The Genesis Flood

#4 The Genesis Flood The Genesis Flood Was the Genesis Flood a worldwide flood or a local flood? Does it make any difference? This topic will be presented in three se...

#3 Objections to 6 days

#3 Objections to 6 days Answering biblical objections to a literal six day creation When I ask many Christians why they believe the earth is old very seldom do they s...

#2 The Days of Creation in Genesis

#2 The Days of Creation in Genesis There is a lot of controversy about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1. In our analysis we will start with establishin...

#1 Did God Use Evolution?

#1 Did God Use Evolution? Many church leaders and Christians today believe God used evolution as part of His creation process. Many Christians have been influenced by...

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