All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 155 in total

Teaching the Gospel

A superb presentation of how to teach the Gospel.  Excellent for understanding the full message of the Gospel.  Feedback: “I love all the scripture references. And I ...

Mike interviews a popular women’s Bible study leader

Mike interviews Megan Eberhardt, a popular women’s Bible study leader. In this video Megan discusses the Gospel, the meaning of God’s Grace, and what is meant by soun...

The Fossil Record, does it prove Human Evolution?

Does the fossil record prove human evolution? The track record of fossil finds says no. Evolutionists have repeatedly claimed a new fossil find supporting human evolu...

Mike interviews Dr. Anthony Silvestro (evangelist)

Many have heard of the book by Charles Darwin titled: “The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for...

The Bible, Geology and Time

How do scientists use geology to determine time? In this video Mike uses observational evidence to demonstrate that: * The geologic layers (column) do not support m...

Time, Age, and Dinosaurs

How do scientists use geology to determine time? In this video Mike uses observational evidence to demonstrate that: -The geologic layers (column) do not support mill...

Are Humans and Chimpanzees Cousins?

Many teachers and professors still teach that Chimpanzee and Human DNA are only 2 percent different, making us close relatives in terms of evolution. However, researc...

The Amazing Human Body

Mike is looking at the human body for evidence of God’s existence and evolution’s folly. Mike is taking a look at our athletic ability, our innumerable cells and our s...

Did God Use the Big Bang?

Did God use the Big Bang to create life as we know? Did he set forth Evolution when created the heavens and the earth?

Is Creation a Secondary Doctrine?

Is creation a secondary doctrine? Often Christians make the claim that we need to stop arguing about creation and focus on the primary issues. However, isn’t “all Scri...

20 Mistakes of Evolution: 11-20

Mike is in two-part series called “20 Mistakes of Evolution”. Today he’s talking about mistakes eleven through 20. * Dinosaurs Went Extinct 65 Million Years Ago * ...

20 Mistakes of Evolution: 1-10

Mike is in beginning a series on 20 Mistakes of Evolution. Today he covers mistakes one through ten. * Piltdown Man * Nebraska Man * Coelacanth fish * Junk DNA...

Junk DNA, Does it Prove Evolution?

Did you know the idea of “junk DNA” has been proven false? Watch this fast-paced, 5-minute video by Mike Riddle

America: The Solution

Last time Mike Riddle was in talking about the problem with America. Today Mike offers a solution. It’s no less than repenting and returning to Jesus. America has give...

America: The Problem

Mike Riddle is in and talking about America. Mike is talking about America’s foundation, history and it’s present troubles. What can we derive about the foundation of ...

The Incredible Human Body

Did humans evolve by naturalistic processes over millions of years or were we created by an All-knowing, All-Powerful Creator God?

10 Great Mistakes by Evolutionists

Today Mike is talking about “10 Great Mistakes” made by Evolutionists. Below is a list of the mistakes Mike highlights in today’s program.     The Piltdown Man    Nebr...

What is Evil and Where Did it Come From?

Today Mike is talking about Evil – what is it and where did it come from? Mike tackles this topic by asking 3 questions: Did God Create Evil? Is Evil a Thing? Did God ...

Heinz Lycklama: Creation vs. Evolution – Pt 2

Mike Riddle is in with Dr. Heinz Lycklama, who is physicist turned apologist, talking about TRUE science. Evolution is really a pseudo-science. Science is based on obs...

Heinz Lycklama: Creation vs. Evolution

Mike Riddle is in with Dr. Heinz Lycklama, who is physicist turned apologist, talking about TRUE science. Evolution is really a pseudo-science. Science is based on obs...

Mike Riddle talks with Carl Kerby -Pt2

Again, Mike Riddle is in with Carl Kerby, an apologist from Reasons for Hope, talking about Creation, Genesis, Evolution and Science. Carl Kerby is the President and a...

Carbon 14 Dating – Pt 2

Today’s topic is a semi-technical topic – Carbon 14 Dating. Today’s program is part 2 of the Carbon 14 discussion – for Part 1 Click Here. Scientists use a technique c...

Carbon 14 Dating – Pt1

Our topic for today is a semi-technical topic – Carbon 14 Dating. Scientists use a technique called Radiometric Dating to estimate the age of rocks and fossils. In thi...

Mike Riddle talks with Carl Kerby

Mike Riddle is in with Carl Kerby, an apologist from Reasons for Hope, talking about Creation, Genesis, Evolution and Science. Carl Kerby is the President and a foundi...

Critical Thinking Skills and Evolution

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 states, “4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every loft...

Understanding the Gospel

Few churches present the full Gospel message. Instead, we might hear things like: * Just preach Jesus * Jesus is Lord * All you need is Jesus * Love one anothe...

Handling Objections to Literal Creation Days (part 2 of 2)

In part 2 of handling objections, Mike gives a thorough analysis of the following arguments and why each fails as a valid explanation for adding long ages into the Bib...

Handling Objections to Literal Creation Days (part 1 of 2)

In this talk, Mike gives a thorough analysis of the day-age-theory and the gap theory and why each fails as a valid explanation for adding long ages into the Bible.

The Days of Creation

In this talk, Mike uses 4 principles of hermeneutics (Greek for how to interpret the Bible) to demonstrate the days of creation were literal days and not long ages.   ...

The Origin of Life

How close have scientists come to creating life? In this talk, Mike presents the scientific evidence why Darwinian evolution is based on faith and not science.

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