All Episodes

Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 155 in total

Heinz Lycklama, a nuclear physicist

In this interview Heinz Lycklama, a nuclear physicist, discusses his background and the importance of believing the Bible’s historical account of creation. He also ta...

Answering Biblical Challenges

Answering biblical challenges (Who did Cain marry? How could Adam name all the animals in one day?)

Why the Fossil Record Does Not Support Evolution

Mike Riddle is talking about Evolution and the Fossil Record. Is the evidence really daunting in support for Evolution? Let’s find out!    

Is the Big Bang Biblical?

Is the Big Bang compatible with the Bible? Did God use the Big Bang to create the universe? Mike Riddle is in talking about the scientific and scriptural evidence for ...

Is Evolution a Fact, Theory or Faith?

Today on Defending the Faith, Mike Riddle is talking about Evolution and seriously considering the scientific evidence and process for Evolution. Can Evolution really ...

Battle for the Next Generation -Audio talk

“Battle for the Next Generation” Mike did this talk in the Boise, ID area in Sept. 2016. In this audio presentation, Mike presents a compelling case against secular ed...

Sanctity of Human Life with Randy Alcorn

In this video Mike interviews New York Times bestselling author, Randy Alcorn, on the sanctity of human life and how to defend tough questions. Randy has a Bachelor o...

Miracle of a new life when a child is born

Mike Riddle interviews Joseph Kezele M.D. In this video, medical doctor and professor of human anatomy and genetics, Joseph Kezele, discusses the miracle of a new lif...

Why we celebrate July 4th

In this short 6-minute video, Mike (former Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps) talks about why we celebrate July 4th. He concludes with a powerful prayer to the only on...

Martin Luther on Education

Martin Luther on Education

Is the age of the earth an important issue for Christians?

There is a heated battle within the church about the age of the earth. Does it really matter if it is old or young? Is the age of the earth an important issue for Chr...

Critical Thinking Examining Their words

In this video Mike shows how to use critical thinking methods to analyze statements made by evolutionists. Mike reveals four different types of words to look for in b...

Courage, Honor and Commitment

Listen to Mike Riddle give a powerful 5-minute talk about the church today called: Courage, Honor and Commitment. We encourage you to support this ministry with your ...

Responding to Foolish Statements -Part 2

  In part 2 of “Responding to Foolish Statements,” Mike answers the following challenges: * Why are Christians against a woman’s right to choose (abortion)? * Why ar...

Responding to Foolish Statements

Christians are often challenged with foolish statements. There are three elements that make these statements foolish. 1. The challenge shows the person’s lack of know...

The Gap Theory

  The Gap Theory has been used to explain how to add millions of years into the Bible. The Gap Theory places a large gap of time (millions of years) between the first...

The Origin of Humans

In this session Mike covers 4 topics: * The Bible makes it clear that God did not make ape-man. * Two misconceptions commonly found in textbooks that are used to sup...

Genetics and Evolution

Are Apes and Humans Cousins Did Humans evolve from ape-like creatures? Mike uses understandable language to examine three of the main genetic arguments evolutionists ...

Mike interviews professional musician Scott Weckerly

Mike interviews professional musician Scott Weckerly. Scott talks about the church he attended as a youth and how he began to have questions about the Bible and was n...

Who Should Christians Blame?

In this session, Mike discusses four philosophies that are attacking the church and Christian families. (1) evolutionism, (2) moral relativism, (3) abortion, and (4) ...

Why we celebrate July 4th

In this short 6-minute video, Mike (former Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps) talks about why we celebrate July 4th. He concludes with a powerful prayer to the only on...

Apologetics with Dr. Anthony Silvestro

* Why all Christians should know and practice apologetics * What it means to be sanctified (1 Peter 3:15) * Two things all Christians must believe to have a biblical...

Sharing the Gospel at Work

In this session Dr. Anthony Silvestro (dentist, evangelist and creation speaker) discusses how he shares the Gospel at his office. Dr. Silvestro talks about the react...

Evolutionists’ Responses to the Problem of the Origin of Life

In this talk, Mike answers some counter challenges commonly used by evolutionists about the immense problem of the origin of life by naturalistic processes. Mike’s an...

Creating a winning youth program

Deb Badeer from Lincoln, Nebraska has created a program for Christian youth that is making a difference. If your church or community is interested in training youth t...

Why the Origin of Life Is a Showstopper for Evolution

Evolutionists have spent over 50 years creating scenarios for how life originated by naturalistic processes. However, every attempt has failed scientifically. In this...

Is Evolution Both a Fact and a Theory?

This video takes a logical and scientific approach to answer the question. The first step is to establish the proper definitions of both a scientific fact and a scien...

Why the Book of Genesis is Important

Genesis is a book about beginnings, a book about doctrines and a book about answers. The book of Genesis is critical to understanding the character of God, the conseq...

Does the Age of the Earth Matter?

* Does the Bible give enough information to determine how long the days of creation were? * Have scientists really proven the earth is billions of years old? * What ...

Preparing Laborers for the Harvest (Luke 10:2)

Creation Apologetics Teachers College Watch this 6-minute video about how to: * Get equipped to train Christian youth to defend their faith. * Become a teacher/speak...

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