Mike Riddle

Mike Riddle

International speaker and teacher on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education.

Appears in 155 Episodes

Latest Discoveries in Cosmology

In this session guest Danny Faulkner (Ph. D. Astronomy) from Answers in Genesis discusses some of the latest discoveries in cosmology about the big bang, the cosmic m...

New Resource in Spanish

A Great New Resource for the Spanish Speaking Population The Spanish speaking world has a large population that has remained mostly unreached in understanding that Go...

The Fossil Record

Does the fossil record really support evolution? Does the fossil record demonstrate millions of years of death and struggle? In this session Mike presents three facts...

Evidence for the Existence of God, Part 5

In this final session Mike gives powerful evidence for the truthfulness of the Bible. The combination of evidences (manuscript, history, archaeology, prophecy, and sc...

Evidence for the Existence of God, Part 4

In this fourth session on evidence for the existence of God, Mike demonstrates through empirical science that the worldview of materialism (secular humanism) is false...

CTI’s 5-Day Creation Apologetics Teachers College

  In this session Mike gives the seven steps it takes to become an effective speaker/teacher on creation apologetics. He also answers important questions about CTI’s ...

Evidence for the Existence of God, Part 3

In this video Mike answers one of the most challenging questions to Christianity. * There is evil in the world. * Evil is incompatible with God. * Therefore, God doe...

Sam Rotman Concert Pianist

This is a powerful testimony from a former Orthodox Jew and how he came to trust Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah. Sam Rotman has a Bachelor of Music and Master’s...

Evidence for the Existence of God, Part 2

The Evidence for the Existence of God is the subject Mike is teaching about in a five session series. * Cosmological evidence * Evidence from design * Evidence from ...

Evidence for the Existence of God, Part 1

The Evidence for the Existence of God is the subject Mike will teach about over the next five sessions. * Cosmological evidence * Evidence from design * Evidence fro...

Why America Will Fall

This is a hard hitting and very alarming presentation. The fact that America was founded upon biblical principles is well documented. But why has America changed? Why...

Aliens, UFOs and the Bible

Is there really intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? What about all the claimed UFO sightings? Has NASA made contact with alien life? In this session Mike exam...

Mike interviews Dan Biddle (Ph.D.) and Dave Bisbee from Genesis Apologetics

  In this session, two creation speakers and teachers, Dan Biddle (Ph.D.) and Dave Bisbee answer some important questions about our youth. * What are they being taug...

Mike interviews Dr. Guliuzza

In this interview Dr. Guliuzza shows why the very foundation of evolution (natural selection) is false and nothing more than a modern day “golden calf” worshipped by ...

Interview with Michael Oard

In this session Michael Oard, an atmospheric scientist and research geologist, discusses the ice age. He answers some of the most asked questions. * What is an ice a...

Why the Bible is True

Why should we believe the Bible is the true Word of God and not other religious books? In this session Mike provides five powerful reasons why the Bible is the only t...

Interview with a former Mormon

In this session Roger Patterson, a former Mormon, answers some questions about what he was taught as a Mormon. * Is Mormonism similar to Christianity? * According to...

Mike Interviews Roger Patterson, AIG

  In this session, Mike interviews a former high school biology and chemistry teacher (Roger Patterson). Roger describes how he taught evolution to students in public...

A Model for Christian Education

In this interview with Doug Rolfe, Mike and Doug discuss a model for Christian education that is highly successful. Doug talks about the recent course he attended cal...

Probability and Evolution

  Many people believe that evolution really happened and that life originated by purely naturalistic means and humans evolved over millions of years from some ape-lik...

The Bible: the First Three Chapters

In this session Mike gives 20 important teachings in the first three chapters of Genesis that are critical to understanding the rest of the Bible. Some of these inclu...

Unity in the Church with Steve Ham

Why can’t all Christians and churches get along? Why is there so much disunity between Christians and churches? The Bible never says we should come together just on t...

Mike Riddle Interviews Steve Ham

  You are in a house that is burning. Inside is a dog, a valuable painting and another human being. If you could only save one, which would it be? Not everyone has th...

The Sanctity of Human Life

In this powerful PRO-LIFE video Mike presents the biblical and scientific evidence for life beginning at conception. He also answers two very important questions: * ...

Christian Education

In this session about Christian education Mike discusses five topics: 1. What is Christian Education? 2. The Bible and education 3. The first step in teaching a class...

Dinosaur to Bird Evolution

Did dinosaurs really evolve into birds as many evolutionists claim? In this session Mike examines the real evidence and clearly shows that that: 1. There is no observ...

Genesis and End Times -Part 2

In part 2 of Genesis and End Times, Mike goes through the final three topics: 1. Tools for understanding language in the Bible 2. An incredible beginning 3. An incred...

Genesis and End Times -Part 1

In this first of two sessions on Genesis and End Times, Mike goes through the first two parts: Session 1 1. The Book of Revelation in 5 minutes 2. Tools for understan...

Mike Riddle Interviews Dr. Jobe Martin -Part 2

In session two with Dr. Jobe Martin, he starts with a biblical a warning about accepting man’s wisdom (evolution) over God’s Word (Proverbs 14:12). He concludes by il...

Mike Riddle Interviews Dr. Jobe Martin -Part 1

Dr. Martin (Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution) discusses his gradual change from evolutionist, to theistic evolutionist, to 6-day creationist. Dr. Martin also ...

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