All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 150 of 155 in total

Mike Riddle Interviews Dr. Terry Mortenson

In this interview with Dr. Terry Mortenson (M.Div, Ph.D. History of Geology) from Answers in Genesis these following items are discussed: * How well are our Christia...

Disarming Darwinian Evolution

  In this session Mike examines the mechanisms for Darwinian evolution: mutations and natural selection. According to Charles Darwin, and many believing in evolution ...

CTI’s Vision and a Strategy

  Today the church is out-numbered, out-financed, and surrounded. The church is being attacked on four fronts by four powerful movements. * Modernism * Postmodernism...

When Did Dinosaurs Live?

In this session Mike examines two evidences for when dinosaurs lived: 1.    The origin of dinosaurs. 2.    The scientific evidence. Mike shows that the evolutionists ...

10 More BIG Mistakes Made by Evolutionists

In this second session on big mistakes made by evolutionists Mike discusses the following 10 more mistakes. 1. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago 2. Large canyon...

10 BIG Mistakes Made by Evolutionists

In this session Mike discusses 10 BIG mistakes made by evolutionists. * Piltdown Man * Nebraska Man * Coelacanth * Junk DNA * Vestigial organs * Archaeoraptor * The ...

Mike Interviews Dr. Whitcomb-Part 2

In part 2 of our interview with Dr. Whitcomb, he discusses the book that inspired many Christians to trust the Word of God about biblical creation (The Genesis Flood ...

Mike Interviews Dr. Whitcomb -Part 1

John Whitcomb is one of the pioneers of the modern creation movement. He co-authored the book “The Genesis Flood”. It was the first book that showed the scientific ev...

What is Carbon-14 Dating? Part 2

In session two on carbon-14, Mike discusses two important aspects about carbon-14. 1.    How does the carbon-14 dating method work? 2.    How reliable is the carbon-1...

What is Carbon-14 Dating? Part 1

In this first of two sessions on carbon-14, Mike answers 3 important questions: • What is carbon-14? • Where does carbon-14 come from? • How can carbon-14 be used to ...

Biblical Discernment -Part 2

In session two of biblical discernment, Pastor Bill Rillo discusses some popular books sold in many Christian book stores (some even on the best seller list) that tea...

Biblical Discernment -Part 1

In this session Pastor Bill Rillo speaks about the false Gospels being preached today in many churches. He addresses the Prosperity Gospel, the Faith Gospel, The Soci...

Building a Church on God’s Word

In this session Mike interviews Pastor Bill Rillo from Hyde Park Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pastor Bill talks about the dramatic changes he saw in his church...

Mike Riddle, Interviews 3 Professional Football players -Part2

In session two with three Cincinnati Bengal professional football players, Mike asks what it is like to be a Christian and play professional sports. All three give so...

Mike Riddle Interviews 3 Professional Football players

In this session Mike interviews three professional football players from the Cincinnati Bengals. Hear their personal testimonies and how they answer questions about f...

#9 Dating Methods and Age of Earth -Mike Riddle

The assumption of long ages is an icon and foundational to the evolutionary model. Nearly every textbook and media journal teaches that the earth is billions of years...

Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance Pt2

In part two of Dr. Menton’s talk on “Is Evolution Possible”, he gives compelling evidence against evolution. In his first example he talks about the eye and that it i...

Dr David Menton, Evolution Not a Chance

In this first of a two part series titled, “Evolution Not a Chance” Dr. David Menton talks about the mechanisms for evolution, mutations and natural selection. Accord...

#08 The Big Bang

Is the Big Bang compatible with the Bible? Many Christians hold to a belief that God used the Big Bang as part of His creation process. But is the Big Bang really com...

#07 Origin of Life

In this presentation Mike discusses why the origin of life is a major problem for people holding to a belief in evolution. By showing that there is no scientific evid...

Carl Kerby with Mike Riddle part 2

Mike interviews popular creation speaker Carl Kerby. Carl is the founder and president of Reasons for Hope ( In this second session with Carl Ke...

Carl Kerby with Mike Riddle

In this session Mike interviews popular creation speaker Carl Kerby. Carl is the founder and president of Reasons for Hope ( Carl speaks about the next...

Apologetics 3, two challenges by Mike Riddle

In this session Mike answers two important questions: 1. What is a biblical worldview? 2. Is the battle really between science and the Bible? The Bible defines what i...

Apologetics 2, Mike answers three challenges

In apologetics part-1 Mike answered the two challenges: 1. How could Adam name all the animals in one day? 2. Who did Cain marry? In this session (apologetics part 2)...

Apologetics 1, Mike answers three challenges

In this first lesson on apologetics Mike answers three challenges. * What is apologetics and why is it important for all Christians to learn and practice apologetics...

Buddy Davis, a real dinosaur man Pt2

In this second interview with Buddy Davis (Creation speaker, singer, songwriter and explorer) Buddy describes the complexity of the woodpecker and the bombardier beet...

Buddy Davis, a real dinosaur man Pt1

An Interview with Buddy Davis, a real dinosaur man Who is Buddy Davis? • An adventurer • Dinosaur explorer and sculpture • Speaker and evangelist for the Gospel of Je...

#06 Genesis Flood Part 3 Geology

Does the Fossil Record Really Support Evolution? We often hear that the fossil record proves evolution. For decades students have been taught a continual progression ...

#05 Genesis Flood Part 2 Geology

The Evolution worldview requires long ages for all the physical processes and structures to form around the earth such as large canyons, sedimentation and mountains. ...

Danny Faulkner on Astronomy and Comets

Astronomy and Comets In this video Danny Faulkner (Ph.D. Astronomy) answers the following questions. What are comets? What makes up a comet? How do comets differ from...

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